About Me

Hello there, thanks for stopping by. My name is Michelle Long, I live in Singapore which is not part of China, but a little red dot island south of Malaysia in South East Asia, and we have summer all year round. Lucky us!

I'm a SAHM to a pre-teen girl and spend whatever free time I have (when I'm not playing mother, tutor, servant etc to my girl) ignoring household chores and making jewellery instead, and if I'm bored with that I crochet. This blog is about my foray into the artistic world, where you hear about my crafting exploits and indie talents that I've stalked or stumbled upon (check out my posts called "Things I Like", you can find that in the tags section), as well as ramblings of being a desperate housewife. Hope you will find it interesting!

If you are keen to be updated with news or promos about my jewelry collection, or track down more indie collectibles with me on a daily basis, you can
follow my FB page: http://www.facebook.com/jewelparlour
or my Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jewelparlour
or rss my Etsy shop:  http://www.etsy.com/shop/jewelparlour/rss

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