Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Dear Alice

Two Sundays ago I was surfing TV channels and caught a little of a re-run of Alice In Wonderland (the Johnny Depp version). There was one scene that caught my attention which I've not noticed when I watched the movie before. It was the one where Mad Hatter was making hats again, but it was for the horrible big headed Red Queen. But being able to throw himself back to his craft made him so happy that he forgot himself and his situation. When Alice reminded him that he was making hats "for her", he was suddenly awaken from his euphoria. Disgusted with himself, he swept everything onto the floor, and asked Alice in despair if he were mad, to which Alice replied that he is utterly bonkers, but the secret is that "all the best ones are"!

I love that statement. I've always been judged as being a little weird, too melancholic, too perfectionistic, anti-social, almost insane. But now suddenly my world makes sense, now I know why I've always been a little "off" - I'm simply one of the best! Hee hee! :)

Recently I've also made two necklaces inspired by the original Alice story - I'm Late I & II. From the first chapter of the book where White Rabbit is hurrying along because he is late. I love the charms, I hope you will too!

(P.S. You can find the necklaces in my Etsy shop!)

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